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The important thing is not to stop questioning." Albert Einstein

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Presented by
Robert Kirwan
Director of Education & Training

Training Program Overview


Revolutionary Approach To Training 


The CMP Training & Certification Course has been developed using a revolutionary internet-based format enhanced by the use of standardized video streaming presentations to augment our comprehensive concussion management curriculum. On-site facilitators will be able to use the video component to help emphasize the concepts contained in a written program guide which will consist of universally accepted procedures and protocols as well as customized information that is geared to the local needs of the school board. There are no physical limitations to how many student-athletes and coaches can benefit from our program.


Emphasis on Consistency of Standards


The use of this model means that the content and the actual presentation will remain consistent no matter who takes the course and we will be able to update our program as new advances in science bring us to new frontiers in the world of brain trauma research. This is also a reason why all of our support material will remain online rather than in print form. With so many new developments and research studies being released almost weekly, we want all of our material to remain online as part of this web site so that we can update the site as new information becomes available. 


Facilitated by Licensed/Certified Teachers 
We are pleased to say that because our program is designed to provide services to student-athletes,  all of our Facilitators are also licensed/certified professional teachers who are employed at secondary schools throughout Canada and the United States and who are directly involved in some way with student-athletes in a variety of sport activities. School CMP Leaders consist of the Principal, Vice-Principal and Phys. Ed. Department Head. These people will be training all of our School CMP Coaches as well as our Community volunteer coaches. The School CMP Coaches, who will be licensed teachers on staff, will be responsible for training their student-athletes.


Built in Flexibility and Customization


The Facilitator for your course will be showing  your group the video presentations for each of the three main modules. From time to time the Facilitator will stop the video to take time to discuss specific issues or to answer any questions that you may have. We felt that it is important for the video component to present the basic fundamentals of the course, but we also know that the Facilitator should be given a bit of flexibility in order to ensure that the specific needs of the group are met as well. We have also included very detailed CMP partner guides which will be very helpful when you are responsible for implementing your part of the program.


Modular Approach To Training Curriculum


The CMP Student-Athlete Concussion Management Certification Course consists of three main modules:

  1. Partner Roles and Responsibilities (with video)

  2. Understanding How A Concussion Affects The Brain (with video)

  3. Concussion Identification & Rehabilitation Protocols (with video)

When you have completed this course, regardless of what your particular role happens to be, you will be well prepared to deal with student-athlete sport-related brain trauma that results in a concussion.




The same course material is being presented to both coaches and student-athletes because it is our strong belief that in order for us to be effective in our own role we must be aware of where we fit in the total program.


Therefore, rather than try to create separate course presentations for each different group, we decided to include the basic fundamental information that we all should be aware of when it comes to concussion management. 


With everyone involved having the same training and baseline knowledge it should be much easier for all of us to adopt a true partnership approach to concussion management.


I hope you enjoy the program. I am sure you will feel much better about dealing with student-athlete sport-related concussions after you have completed the course.




In order to be valid, this CMP Certification Course must be facilitated by a qualified certified CMP partner who will validate your participation in the course. You will then be able to download a certificate of qualification and/or be included on a CMP Registry.


For example, if you are a Coach, your facilitator will have to be a Principal, Vice-Principal or Physical Education Department Head, all of whom form the School Leadership Committee. 


If you are a student-athlete, your facilitator will have to be a School CMP Leader or a certified School CMP Coach. 


For anyone interested, we are pleased to provide you with a link to our three videos that are used during our facilitator-lead training courses. Each of the videos is accompanied by a comprehensive curriculum program that will be available in digital format to participating schools. The facilitator will use the videos to guide him/her in the presentation of the curriculum content and will also be encouraged to add emphasis on areas of priority and focus for the local school.



Serving Canada & the United States
Offices in the Province of Ontario and the State of Michigan
email: rkirwan@infocomcanada.com   Phone: (705) 969-7215

DISCLAIMER: All content found on this web site is provided for information and education purposes only and is intended to provide viewers, participants, and other injury prevention practitioners with information and guidance that may be used in helping them make informed decisions about concussion management. This web site is not intended to provide medical advice and should only be used to support, not to replace the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare professionals. We have tried our best to include accurate information in all sections of the web site, but we do not guarantee that any information is in fact accurate and true in all respects. You should always consult a physician or other relevant healthcare professionals for specific information on personal health matters,  to ensure that your own circumstances are considered. You are responsible for obtaining appropriate medical advice from a physician or other qualified healthcare professional prior to acting upon any information available at or through our website.

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